Stay the Course + Avoid the CLIFF

by Jeremy Sage

Stay the Course!

It feels like it was just last week we were watching the ball drop at Dick Clark’s New Year’s Rockin’ Eve Party in Time Square. But… time flies and it’s already April, which means over 80% of the people who actually made resolutions this year have abandoned them.[i] The good news is the annual gym rush is over, so you’re likely done spending hours circling the parking lot or waiting for a squat rack. However, what’s disturbing is why so many people determined to better themselves, break their resolutions within a few short weeks.

There is no denying the satisfaction that comes when changing our behavior in ways that will improve our lives. Our imagination stirs with thoughts of what life will be like when we earn more money, learn a new language, improve our diet, or shed the extra weight. So why is the overwhelming outcome of these resolutions failure…?

Recently, I came across a clever mnemonic Gold’s Gym New York offered during a 2016 interview with CBS.[ii] Outlined below is the CLIFF we all face and must overcome to achieve our goals.

C – Can’t find the time.

L – Lacking a game plan to keep you going.

I –  Ignoring your commitment and falling into old patterns.

F – Frustrated with lack of early results.

F – Forgetting why you started.

The points listed above may seem obvious but the first step in solving a problem is identifying there is one. Now that we know the traps that can derail our resolutions, here are some tips to keep you motivated to achieve them.

  • Establish Your Goal Most people go wrong right off the bat and fail to define exactly what they seek to accomplish. Admit to yourself the change or outcome you visualize. Write it down and pin it up where it will be a constant reminder.
  • Be Accountable – “Speak what you seek until you see what you’ve said.[iii]” In other words, talk about your goals. Sharing your goals and resolutions with others will naturally increase the accountably you feel towards achieving them. Also, don’t be surprised by the support you receive from others, you’ll be an inspiration.
  • Track Progress – Tracking your progress can be either extremely motivating or discouraging. Either way, in the end you’ll have documentation of how far you’ve come. Careful not to fall into the trap of ‘frustration with lack of early results,’ always keep focused on your ultimate goal.
  • Make it Habit – The European Journal of Social Psychology, published a study that determined, “On average, it takes more than 2 months before a new behavior becomes automatic — 66 days to be exact.[iv]” Power through those first two months in the gym, eating cleaner, drinking more water, practicing better spending, or whatever you’re going after. Before you know it, your changed behavior will become second nature.

For more on establishing goals and how to include the S.M.A.R.T. criteria, check out our ALPHA NEWS article, You Can't Score Without a Goal

So if you’ve already sabotaged your New Year’s resolutions, don’t wait till next year. Get out some paper, write them down and let’s do this! If there is one thing you take away from this article, remember this…

A dream written down becomes a goal
A goal with steps becomes a plan
A plan backed by action becomes reality
-Greg S. Reid


Dream BIG and stay the course!

Jeremy Sage

Jeremy Sage

Co-Founder and CFO, RAM


[i] Mulvey, Kelsey. “80% Of New Year's Resolutions Fail by February - Here's How to Keep Yours.” Business Insider, Business Insider, 3 Jan. 2017,

[ii] “New Study Reveals How Long New Year's Resolutions Usually Last.” CBS Philly, 9 Feb. 2016, 

[iii] “Speak It Into Existence.” The Odyssey Online, 26 Aug. 2017,

[iv] Clear, James. “How Long Does It Actually Take to Form a New Habit? (Backed by Science).”, 2018,

Jeremy Sage
Jeremy Sage

Jeremy Sage holds a Masters of Business Administration as well as a bachelors degree in Economics. Jeremy obtained his Series 7 license administered by the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority and holds certifications in financial consulting, technology and Microsoft platforms.

In addition to Jeremy's professional status, he is also a former NCAA Division 1 athlete. Due to his scholastic ability Jeremy became a Top Scholar Athlete and was awarded a full ride scholarship from the University of Hawai'i.

Disclaimer: The information, suggestions, and techniques offered in this blog are the result of the author’s experiences and are not intended to be a substitute for professional financial advice, medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have questions or concerns, seek the advice of a financial consultant, physician or other qualified professional before practicing the techniques presented here.

In fact, you should always consult a qualified healthcare professional before beginning a new nutritional or exercise program. If you fail to do so, it is the same as self-prescribing, and neither the author nor RAM Advantage assumes responsibility. *This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.