The new fad is talking about “macro’s” which is referring to fats, carbs and protein intake. The one “macro” I believe many people are overlooking might be the most essential “nutrient” - water.
If you want lasting happiness in your life it’s critical to be consistently taking steps forward. Since happiness is a byproduct of progression it is essential to learn the steps required for progress to occur.
I am not your stereotypical long distance runner. In fact, until just a few years ago I absolutely despised it. What changed?
Research as shown that as soon as you sit, the “electrical activity in your leg muscles shut off, calorie burning drops to 1 per minute, and enzymes that help break down fat drop 90%.”
The signal to noise ratio (SNR) is an equation that measures the amount of a desired signal compared to that of background noise. The equation measures the ratio between the signal power and the power of the background noise.
There is a huge underground problem in the supplement industry. What’s even worse is that almost nobody is openly talking about it. The problem? Production standards.
With so many people using products without a clear understanding of what supplements are for, I decided to create a supplement pyramid. A way for people to gain clarity in the supplement world.
Make a few small changes over a period of time. I know this seems too easy to be true. However, small changes frequently lead to huge results and most importantly sustained growth.
I know what you’re thinking, what could fitness and finance have in common? They don’t even seem closely related. Fitness is all about diets, dumbbells, cardio, CrossFit, and cholesterol levels. While finance refers to capital markets, credit scores, income, interest, and IRAs.
In a recent broadcast of Freakonomics radio, they discussed their research, when asking people what they most wanted to improve in their lives, productivity outpaced all other answers at a rate of 3:1.