In this article you will find foods that will help you stay refreshed and hydrated during the summer heat. In addition to being hydrating, many of these fruits and vegetables have been linked to other health benefits.
What if music not only influences our performance, emotions, motivation and creativity but has the ability to influence our immunity? Is it possible what you listen to can have an affect on your ability to fend off or recover from illness?
I decided to research how much someone could accomplish in small increments over the course of a year. What I found was astonishing!
Can you be too strong? Is there a point at which strength stops being a positive and starts becoming a liability? After two decades of studying, as well as, working with successful people I have found that all of them have one thing in common.
I believe learning how to develop unwavering concentration is a skill required for greatness. In fact, I believe "focusing" is the most powerful performance enhancing skill someone can attain.
Our imagination stirs with thoughts of what life will be like when we earn more money, learn a new language, improve our diet, or shed the extra weight. So why is the overwhelming outcome of these resolutions failure?
I have been searching for a supplement to take durning those times when I needed an extra “pick me-up” and didn’t want to take another cup of coffee or get “wired” by taking a pre-workout.
The new fad is talking about “macro’s” which is referring to fats, carbs and protein intake. The one “macro” I believe many people are overlooking might be the most essential “nutrient” - water.
In psychology, the locus of control is a foundational element of motivation. “Everyone either has an internal locus of control, which means that they believe that they control their own fate or an external locus of control, which means that they think things just happen to them and they’re powerless.”
I am not your stereotypical long distance runner. In fact, until just a few years ago I absolutely despised it. What changed?